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Furniture and textiles

The Furniture and Textiles industry is part of the manufacturing industry. It is dominated by SMEs that are designing, manufacturing, distributing, and selling textiles and furniture pieces.

In this industry, companies are often relying a lot on retailers. A big part of the companies are producing the furniture or the textile and do not - or only partly- sell it to the end-consumers. However, there is a growing need to have communication with both audiences. 

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The trends in this industry

As stated in this 2021 article of Forbes, one of the strategic priorities for manufacturers is to be customer-centric. Thinking about the customer first in every decision is essential in order for the industry to be resilient, to improve the processes, and to be innovative. The Manufacturing industry is also turning more and more to digital technologies to serve their customers. This enables the customer to make their purchases online and allows a cost reduction for the customer and the manufacturer, thanks to fewer travel costs and resources.

This is showing as well in the fact that augmented reality is a big trend in 2021 in the furniture industry's marketing efforts. This technology enables the customers to visualize the product in their space, before purchasing.

By working with our customers, we notice that the industry is evolving towards the improvement of the customer experience and the digital world. We accompany them in this change by reimagining their digital processes and systems.

implementing a customer-centered methodology and tools that help automate the commercial processes and outsmart the competition.

Solutions for furniture & textiles companies

  • Communicating online and attracting customers

    Part of the industry is basing a lot of its marketing activities on trade shows. At those events, they can show their products and connect with potential prospects. With the evolution of digital, the marketing activities have to expand to cover the online marketing channels. 

    By knowing the audience and being present where and when they are looking for information, marketing teams can start attracting new leads. 

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  • Reimagining your sales processes

    Sales teams in the Furniture and Textiles industry are still doing a lot of in-person visits to the prospects and customers. When they do, they return with a lot of information that has to be manually entered in a tool to better manage the relationship.

    We also see that companies of this industry are often working with sales agents all over the world. It is crucial that the information they capture is collected as well and shared with the main sales team.

    By implementing more digital sales tools, both the internal sales team and the sales agents are able to connect with more prospects and handle the entire sales cycle more easily. Being able to create quotes directly also helps to be more efficient and to provide a better buying experience to the customer.

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